personShora KUETU
labelMarche Chrétienne
labelSalut - La Croix


After several years in the service of Elohîm, I very quickly realised that many Christians did not know their identity and their position in Mashiah. Some have amnesia, others are simply ignorant. And this ignorance is destructive. Because of their ignorance of their identity, these Christians make themselves dependent on human beings. They look to their pastors for blessings, for protection against the attacks of the enemy, or for a sympathetic ear to whom they do not hesitate to confide their sorrows and the smallest of their secrets. As if they were the only ones who had access to Elohim's throne and could speak to him! This is how most of these Christians fall prey to false servants who take advantage of their ignorance by keeping them in bondage, robbing them, hurting them and manipulating them with false doctrines. Prosperity theory, ecumenism, priestly vestments, ordination, marketing, management, double predestination (or "saved once saved forever"), observance of the days (Sabbath, Sunday as the Lord's day, etc.), the nuptial blessing, and so on. ), the nuptial blessing, tithing, the sermon, gospel, the construction of buildings called "churches", visualisation, positive thinking, the denial of the divinity of Yehoshua and the rapture of the assembly, the mixing of the religious and the political, divorce and remarriage, same-sex marriage, etc. are all doctrines that are practised in many assemblies because of the blindness of their members. These ignorant Christians are comparable to the faithful of Galatia who had abandoned the Gospel of Elohim for another gospel: "I marvel that you turn away so quickly from him who called you by the grace of the Mashiah to another gospel. Not that there is another, but there are those who trouble you and want to overthrow the gospel of the Mashiah" (Galatians 1:6 to 7). Paulus had brought the word to Galatia on his first missionary journey (Acts 13:51; 14:8 to 20). After his departure, Judaic teachers who had arrived in the region taught the saints that in order to be saved, they had to observe Moshe's torah (circumcision, observance of days, months and festivals, Sabbaths, etc. (Galatians 4:10; 5:1 to 15; 6:12)). These doctrines had resulted in the abandonment of Elohîm (Galatians 1:6), bewitchment (Galatians 3:1), servitude (Galatians 5:1), etc. (Galatians 4:10; 5:1 to 15; 6:12). They had therefore abandoned their identity as children of Elohîm, saved by grace, for another identity, thus once again becoming slaves to human beings. Unfortunately, what happened in the assemblies of Galatia is repeated in most of our assemblies. This is why we must follow the example of Paulos by firmly opposing these doctrines, but also by teaching Christians about their identity, so that they no longer fall prey to false servants. This is what Elohîm led me to do at a Christian conference in Martinique. While I was at Aimé Césaire airport, He set my heart on writing this book. Its aim is to encourage Christians to be vigilant. They need to realise that a lack of personal knowledge of the Lord and of the identity he has given us opens the door to spirits of error and misguidance. These spirits push Christians further and further into distorting the Word of Elohîm. 

Before discovering the identity we have acquired in Yehoshua Mashiah, it is important that we understand the notion of identity and why it is essential to know it. 
