After a few years in the service of Elohîm, I had the opportunity to observe to what extent the behaviour of human beings, both Christians and non-believers, is similar to that of beasts. Indeed, all of humanity is as bestial as animals, if not more so. Violence, brutality, troubles, divisions, quarrels, greed, gluttony, wickedness, etc. These are the fruits of humans. However, for years, I believed, like many other brothers and sisters, that we were not concerned by the teaching on animality. And for good reason, we learned that the animal side of the descendants of Adam and Chavvah only concerned non-Christians: atheists, unconverted people, religious people, etc. But the Lord opened my eyes to our true nature. And it was in my heart to write this book, following the reading of a biblical passage on the bestiality of humans, in order to encourage the saints in their march towards heaven.